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CASE Membership 
Privacy Policy


The Campaign for State Education (CASE) will keep safe any personal data that you share with us or that we receive from other organisations. This Privacy Policy describes how we will collect and process your personal information and how it will be used. It contains important information on your right to privacy, so please read it carefully. From time to time we may update this Policy and publish it on our website. We need you to provide us with some of your personal data to enable you to be a member of CASE and receive updates on news and events.


2. When do we collect information about you? We collect information about you:

(a) When you give it to us directly, e.g. you apply to join, comment on our website or make a donation.

(b) When you give it to us indirectly, e.g. interact with us via our Facebook page.

(c) When you visit our website – we may use cookies to identify you when you visit our website (for example, by remembering your log in details).

(d) The person responsible for data in our organisation is Prof. Carl Parsons.


3. What information do we collect?

(a) We will typically hold your name and contact details, including physical address, telephone number and e-mail address.

(b) We may hold your bank details to identify payments such as subscriptions.

(c) Where relevant, we may hold your responses to any of our surveys that you have completed

(d) We may track emails that we send you to get a picture of how successful a mailing has been.


4. How and why will we use your personal data? We will only use personal data for the purposes specified in this Policy that is to:

(a) Manage your CASE membership, e.g. send reminders of subscriptions due, donations made etc.

(b) Send you information about our campaigning work.

(c) Conduct surveys of CASE’s membership to guide our work.

(d) Respond to enquiries or complaints raised by members.

(e) Audit and/or administer our accounts.


5. How we handle payments

We will record your payment of subscriptions and/or donations to us.


6. Security of your personal data

We will prevent the loss, destruction, misuse, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access to your personal information by ensuring that there are appropriate systems are in place. Your personal information may only be accessed by persons authorised by the CASE National Executive Committee. We will not share your data without your consent.


7. What we will do 

We will keep a record of contact preferences and of consent given to hold data and the type of data held. We will ensure you are aware of your choices regarding data held by us and make it easy to withdraw consent once given if you so choose. We will ensure all data is removed from our systems if you choose this to be the case. We will do this by deleting any person information held by us including payment details if held. Data will be held only in password protected areas and by designated persons; you will be made aware of who these persons are.


8. Your rights

• You have the right to withdraw consent to use your personal information at any time.

• You have the right to ask us to stop using your personal information and to unsubscribe from our email list at any time.

• You have the right to be informed how your personal information will be used. This policy statement aims to provide you with a clear and transparent description of how your personal information may be used.

• You can write to us to ask for confirmation of what information we hold on you and to request a copy of that information. Provided we can confirm your identity, we will comply within 30 days. If you believe our record of your personal information is inaccurate, you have the right to ask for the record to be updated.

• You can ask us for your personal information to be deleted from our records.

• To exercise these rights, contact us via our website at: 


If you are not satisfied with our response, you can make a complaint about us or the way we have processed your data to the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”). For further information on how to exercise this right, please see the guidance at


The ICO can be contacted at:

Louise Vincent
Administrator for CASE

Last updated: 29.04.2024

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