CASEnotes Terms of Use
Welcome to CASEnotes, the forum dedicated to fostering constructive discussions and collaboration on education equity and reform. Before participating in our community, please review and abide by the following Terms of Use:
Membership Requirement:
Only individuals with active CASE memberships are eligible to become members of the CASEnotes forum. Membership status will be verified before granting access to publish posts on CASEnotes. Non-members can read, react, and comment on posts.
Respectful Conduct:
Treat all forum members with respect and courtesy. Personal attacks, insults, or offensive language will not be tolerated.
Avoid discrimination, harassment, or any form of harmful behavior towards others based on their identity, background, or beliefs.
Content Guidelines:
Stay on topic: Ensure your posts are relevant to the discussions within the forum categories.
Do not post spam, advertisements, or promotional content unrelated to education, equity, and reform.
Refrain from sharing misleading information, false claims, or content that may harm the integrity of discussions.
Privacy and Security:
Protect your privacy and the privacy of others: Do not share personal information such as contact details or sensitive data without consent.
Respect intellectual property: Do not share copyrighted material unless you have permission to do so.
Professionalism and Constructive Feedback:
Provide constructive feedback: When offering criticism or feedback, ensure it contributes to productive discussions and solutions.
Maintain professionalism: Avoid using derogatory language, inflammatory remarks, or disrespectful tones in your posts.
Moderation and Enforcement:
Forum moderators are here to maintain a positive and respectful environment. Their decisions are final and should be respected.
Posts that violate these Terms of Use may be edited or removed by moderators without prior notice.
User Responsibility:
Users are responsible for their own posts and contributions to the forum.
Remember that the views expressed by individual users do not necessarily reflect the views of CASE or its affiliates.
Legal Compliance:
Users must comply with all applicable laws, including copyright, privacy, and defamation laws.
Do not engage in any activities that are illegal or against forum guidelines.
Reporting Violations:
If you encounter a post that violates these Terms of Use, please report it to the forum moderators for review.
By participating in CASEnotes, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use. Failure to comply may result in the removal of your posts, temporary suspension, or permanent ban from the forum.
Thank you for being part of our community dedicated to advancing education equity and reform.
Your contributions and respectful engagement are valuable to our collective efforts.
Louise Vincent
Administrator for CASE
Last updated: 23.04.2024